Sod vs seed for patching a lawn

Sod vs seed for patching a lawn

What is sodding? Sodding is a method of transplanting mature grass. The grass is grown to full size, and harvested into rolls that can be laid down on your yard. The grass comes rooted into a layer of soil. The roots quickly recover and extend down, anchoring your...
Can you reuse microgreen soil?

Can you reuse microgreen soil?

If you’re interested in Zero Waste growing, or sustainability, you’ve probably wondered if you could re-use microgreen soil. It seems like a waste to just use things once, but what can be done? Re-using soil can work if you do it properly. Reusing soil...
14 Tips for Watering your Lawn

14 Tips for Watering your Lawn

Watering your lawn seems simple, but there are a lot of ways you can maximize the benefits. These are my favourite tips and tricks for getting the healthiest lawn with the least water. Let me know if you have anything to add! Aerate To make sure that you’re not...
How do you thicken thin grass?

How do you thicken thin grass?

How do you thicken thin grass? To start off, I’m not going to make any assumptions so this article can cover as many causes of “thin lawn” as possible. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with a lawn, luckily, you can fix most of them...

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