How to propagate moss at home

How to propagate moss at home

Don’t worry, you don’t need a bio-reactor (pictured to the right) to propagate moss. You can probably do it for free with what you already have. To propagate moss at home: start with collecting a sample. Obtain low mineral water (distilled, rain, or reverse osmosis is...
Do plants really purify the air?

Do plants really purify the air?

Air purification is the process of removing unwanted compounds and particles from the air. Do plants purify the air? It depends how you define air purification. On a long enough time-scale, and under the right conditions (sealed environments), plants do reduce...
Can plants grow in an office with no windows?

Can plants grow in an office with no windows?

The studies are piling up on plant benefits in the workplace. Increased energy, reduced stress reactivity and quicker recovery, reduced symptoms of sickness and reduced sick-leave, higher productivity, the list goes on. But how well can they cope with low sunlight or...
5 Coolest High-Tech Plant Experiments!

5 Coolest High-Tech Plant Experiments!

Biological experiments are being carried out every day across the planet. This is a curated list of 5 experiments I thought you would find the most interesting! Dr Greg Gage: Neuroscience to inform botany through human medical equipment Plants can count and...

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